We bring to you marvelous tidbits to awesome tits, pictures and highlights of different shapes and sizes of women’s marvelous feature; tits.
There’s little we can add that probably hasn’t been said about breasts. And since the predominating interest seems to be with larger ones, then lets get on with it. We’re proud to present a short visual on the reason you’re reading, er, looking at the photos, on the internet. So enjoy this small collection of tidbits, what women are blessed with, and we men adore, worship, squeeze, lick, and photograph!

Most women, especially those endowed with an ample chest, are more than happy to tease and show a little of it. The French call it décolletage. It’s also what guys look at when a lady walks by, or sitting opposite of her. But it’s most obvious when she catches you looking and says “My eyes are up here.”

But we also want to know what’s under her top. We want to see them because we are curious because we’re interested in the lingerie she wears, if her breasts are firm, if they sag, what will they look like in forty years? But also, her nipples arouse our curiosity. We expect them to be normal looking.

Seriously now, we do wonder what’s the size and shape of her nipples. Are they inverted? Do they erect when they’re touched or licked? Does she have a double nipple? No matter, the longer they stay hidden the more we want to see them and ultimately to touch them. It’s paradise when we do.

Now here’s something we guys hardly ever get to see, unless you’re fucking her in front of a mirror. So if you have the chance to find the opportunity to put her in this position, go at it! Go ahead, watch them in the mirror as they sway and flop to the rhythm of your thrusts. It’s a rare sight and one you’d enjoy

And now, what to do with them. We want to see them under us. Straddling her chest, with your hard cock nestled between them is a sight all us men would cherish. So your cock is there, she’s squeezing them together and the friction is just right. A few more quick full thrusts and you cum all over them.

While women’s breasts come in all different shapes and sizes, a man’s preference is highly constrained. For me, medium to tiny breasts are the perfect sizes. Slight, subtle, and svelte are the most pleasing of feminine figures. Sadly, they tend to be under represented. Some sites do not even have a category for them! When found online, they typically are only on young women.